Our grooming services are designed to ensure the absolute comfort, wellbeing and good looks of your pet. Our groomers are expertly equipped to handle animals from all backgrounds and are accustomed to dealing with dogs of a nervous disposition. Your beloved fur babies will be shiny, fluffy and relaxed by the time we’re done with them!

Doggy Grooming
Service Inclusions: Cut, brush, wash & blow, nail-clipping, ear cleaning, teeth-brushing, doggie powder and perfume, signature bandana
Pricing: Varies based on dog size and length of hair
- Small Sized dogs: starting from R260.00 (Depending on breed, hair type and length)
- Medium Sized Dogs: starting from R300.00 (Depending on breed, hair type and length)
- Large Sized Dogs: starting from R330.00 (Depending on breed, hair type and length)
Adhoc extras: Anal gland squeezing (R60), nail-clipping (R80), tick and flea treatment (R100)
Kitty Grooming
Service Inclusions: Brush, wash & blow, nail-clipping
Pricing: R420
Adhoc extras: Shaving/trimming of hair (R50)

Kitty Grooming
Service Inclusions: Brush, wash & blow, nail-clipping
Pricing: R400
Adhoc extras: Shaving/trimming of hair (R50)

Bunny Grooming
Service Inclusions: Clean-down, de-matting, brush and nail-clipping
Pricing: R250

Bunny Grooming
Service Inclusions: Clean-down, de-matting, brush and nail-clipping
Pricing: R250